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Cereal-Milk Shake with a slice of banana, a glazed cherry and some cheerios all on a skewer sticking out of it.

Cereal-Milk Shake

A nutritious way to start the day!

  • Prep Time
    5 Minutes
  • Total Time
    5 Minutes
  • Servings


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup Original Cheerios™ cereal
  • 1/2 banana sliced
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar


  1. Step 1In blender, place all ingredients.
  2. Step 2Cover and blend on high speed 10 seconds. Scrape sides; cover and blend about 20 seconds longer or until smooth.
  3. Step 3Pour into glass; serve immediately.


  • Use a mini processor to make this quick milk shake.

Nutrition Information

Calories: 290, Calories from Fat: 50, Cholesterol: 20 mg, Insoluble Fiber: 1 g, Low-Fat Milk: 1, Potassium: 680 mg, Sodium: 210 mg, Soluble Fiber: 1 g, Total Carbohydrate: 48 g, Dietary Fiber: 3 g, Total Fat: 6 g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1 1/2 g, Protein: 10 g, Saturated Fat: 3 g, Sugars: 33 g, Dairy: 1 c, Fruits: 1/4 c

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